Presentation Schedule
There is no distinction regarding the standing, quality, or prestige of presentations with or without submitted articles. All presentations will be scheduled in on-site timeslots.
The detailed schedule, including the date, time, and room location of your presentation, will be available in the online program by the first week of June 2024. 

Presentation Preparation and Format
Each presentation will consist of a 12-minute talk followed by a 3-minute Q&A session.
All presentations must be uploaded online at least one week before the conference. Please use the following link for submission: Dropbox Submission Link.

Presentations must be uploaded in any version of Microsoft PowerPoint.
The file name must be in the format Abstract ID_full name.pptx.
Personal laptops are not permitted for presentations.

Poster Exhibition
Please submit your posters for the conference in PDF format via email to
The poster size must be 70 x 100 cm, oriented vertically.
The file name must be in the format Abstract ID_poster presentation.pdf.
Ensure your submission meets these requirements so it can be displayed in the exhibition area on the first day of the conference.

Audio-Visual Equipment
Each session room will be equipped with the following audio-visual equipment:
Laptop/PC for presentation
Projection screen
Lectern, table, and microphone

For any questions or further assistance regarding your presentation, please contact the conference organizers at
Thank you for your contribution to the Net-Zero Future 2024 Conference. Your participation is greatly appreciated.
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